Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Gardening @ the NPLC Farm-Acy

Working in the garden provides participants with a sense of personal well-being through stress relief, physical activity, education, and the creation of friendships. Education focus is on growing your own food and is carried over into the Food and Mood Program where food preparation skills are learned.

Healthy Heart Program

Program Objective / Goal:  Participants will learn more about cardiovascular health, how healthy food choices and keeping active can control weight, blood pressure, blood cholesterol plus reduce inflammation and heart disease. Current blood pressure and cholesterol targets, how medications are used to control both work and may be necessary for lipid management will be explained. […]


Diabetes Conversation – Living with Diabetes

Program Objective / Goal:  Through group discussion, led by a Diabetes Educator, participants will gain knowledge about the management and prevention of diabetes.  The sessions allow participants to learn from each others experiences which can be very valuable for adult learning, self-management and inspiration for behaviour change. Program Structure: The program uses 3 Conversation Map […]